We'll just forget about all the 3D versions of Castlevania, m'kay?
Anyhoo, if you're familiar with the last several installments of Castlevania on Gameboy Advance and DS, you're pretty well situated with this newest episode. Each of the previous four versions were updated variations on Symphony of the Night, and it culminated with Dawn of Sorrow last year. I think that was the best version of the whole lot; Dawn may even be better than the hallowed Symphony itself, or at least it represented the perfection of the formula.
Portrait of Ruin marks the first real break from the formula. Yes, I know, the soul collecting from Dawn of Sorrow (and its predecessor, Aria of Sorrow) was the first true innovation to the long-standing formula, but now we're seeing the new turf. The game is constructed a little like Super Mario 64, with Dracula's Castle serving as a central hub, and a number of game worlds stretching outward.

So, now, finally, we have the latest version which tries to fuse that classic gameplay with the Symphony exploration style. Whether or not you decide the idea is a success depends, I suppose, on how much you loved those old games. Needless to say, I'm having a great time.

More cool bits. Your two main characters can team up for super-charged attacks. You can walk around solo, or with your partner following around - you can use the stylus to direct the other person where to go. Secondary weapons, things like axes and knives, and whatnot, can be powered up through experience. Each weapon becomes stronger with use, on the road to mastery. It's this game's answer to soul collecting.
Also, smashing lights and candles will produce money if your special-weapon meter is full; otherwise, they will produce hearts. That's a clever design decision. Now you have to choose between building up your weapons, and saving up for more items, spells, and accessories. It's a very simple balance, and really one of the standouts for me.

I'll pass along more impressions on Castlevania whenever the mood hits. So far, though, it's a great game.
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