Hey, look at that! I finally have a copy of Dracula X! For some reason, I completely forgot that I can burn PC Engine and Turbo Duo CDs and play them on Magic Engine. I don't think I even thought about it much until the platform was announced for Nintendo's Wii Virtual Console.
So, here, for the benefit of all of you who have never seen this excellent game, a number of screenshots from the intro and opening sequences, and the first couple of levels. Strangely enough, much of this game will seem familiar to today's Castlevania fans, since every installment as shamelessly looted as heavily from Dracula X as from Symphony of the Night.
Great. I'm losing my mind watching Ken Burns' World War II film, and which game do I use for screenshots? The one littered with death and skulls. Just great. God bless these wonderful, bloodthirsty primates, and their ceaseless love of violence and death. Happy, happy!

1 comment:
More excellent eye candy! I downloaded Shinobi 3 on the VC thanks to your review, and I love it... (I already had the original Shinobi on the Dreamcast's Sega Smash Pack) but it's great to have a version of the franchise sitting in stasis on my Wii, ready to play at any given time...
Come on man! Your stuff is so great, how about sharing it with a UK audience over at the Saturn Junkyard?
Please give me an answer! I need your skills... :)
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