Wednesday, January 30, 2008

New York Times Crosswords

Just a short blurb for this little title. It didn't gather too much attention when it was released a few months back, probably because its subject matter doesn't really call for a lot of hype. It's the New York Times Crosswords on your Nintendo DS. You pretty much know what you're going to get. If you're a fan, then you'll expect this to be a quality product that delivers the goods.

It's a really fun little title, offering all the Times' crossword puzzles from 2004 to 2006. There's a sliding difficulty scale, from fairly easy to good-heavens-I'm-an-idiot, which should keep nearly everyone happy. The presentation is very nice, the background music consists of an arpeggio guitar that's mellow, the color scheme is easy on the eyes while remaining varied, and the handwriting recognition is superb. And there are really no extras, just the ability to play a daily crossword, a quick random puzzle, or play with a friend.
It's crosswords. It's cheap. It's another solid DS game worthy of the train ride.

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